She was perfect. Beautiful flawless skin clear of any blemishes. Long thick black hair. A body most men wish they could even touch. Come to find out most of them probably had. She wasnt perfect and I was fooled.
When we first met I just knew I had found the woman of my dreams.She was gorgeous, she could cook, she liked sports, and she didnt have any kids. It never quite hit me that she was too good to be true until I found out otherwise.I made her my sun and my world revolved around her.
Since we first got together she had male friends and why shouldnt she? She was a grown independent woman and I trusted her. Even though we didnt hold hands in the street and when i said 'I love you' her reply was 'I know u do'. So what she had missed a couple of dates or didnt answer her phone some nights. I mean she had to have a life too. It was okay she missed my birthday twice and I was the only one who bought Valentine's Day gifts. I loved her.

One night I woke up to her phone ringing. The ID simply read 'T'. I fought myself back and forth in my head for all of 2 seconds before walking into the bathroom to answer it. The husky male voice on the other end didnt wait for her to talk before saying 'Hey babe, u done with work yet?'. I hung up.
I watched the woman I thought I knew sleeping. He hadnt said much but he said enough. The phone vibrated again this time with a text message reading ' Why did u hang up? love u, call me back'. Love? How could he be in love with the woman who loved me. I mean she never said it but I knew she did. She had to as much as I loved her. Thats when I realized I had been in love by myself.
Things went downhill after that. I never spoke of the incident but it consumed me and made me open my eyes to just how much she didnt care, She still never said I love u. I still never met any of her friends. I still was playing the fool. Eventually i called her up one day to tell her it was over and all she said was 'okay'. I never heard from her again.
I was devastated. Hurt because the woman I loved and was faithful to never saw me in the same way. Mad she let me believe I was the only one recieving her affection. Feeling stupid for making her my all and i was just some guy she was seeing. But I had learned a hard lesson. Never give more then u recieve.