He was fine. 6'3, big hands, big feet, handsome face, and a gorgeous body. He was a god and I was in full worship mode.He worked at the law firm across the street from the men's shoe store I worked in. He came in one day, asked for a size 13, and the rest is history.
He called me faithfully every night and I drove over to his place. We would fuck till dawn and I would go home and wait for the next night of passionate love making. I tried calling during the day but I never got an answer. I was okay with that until I saw her. He was jumping in a cab with some blond headed chick who was not a co worker.
I called him over 40 times that night. After the last call I jumped in my car and parked across the street from his building. I could see her in the window, she was undressed. I got out my car and took the elevator up to the 15th floor. I knocked as loud as I could with a stiletto on. He did not look to happy to open the door and see my face. He told me he had company and he would probably call me tomorrow, then closed the door. I took out my sharpie and wrote 'whore' as many times as I could fit it on his hardwood door.
I sat in my car till dawn and watched as he kissed her forehead in the lobby. The same kiss I got every morning before hopping in my car. I followed her cab. I waited all of 15 minutes before walking around to the back of her brownstone with the brick out the trunk of my car. I threw it straight through the second floor window and hauled ass back to my driver's seat. She would leave my man alone after finding my little note telling her so.
The next night I still didn't get my call. I was going insane. I would've called him but the number was changed and he must've forgotten to give it to me. I mean that happens. Hes a busy man. She was just a mistake and he was waiting to apologize the right way. I picked out my sexiest lingerie and my long pea coat and drove to his building. I couldn't wait to see my man.
I knocked on his door. He opened it and looked shocked to see me. I threw my arms around his neck expecting to be kissed and swept away. Instead he yelled at me. He called me crazy and told me he was done with me. He told me to never come back to his apt and don't try to contact him. I cried and got the door slammed in my face. He was mad at me for just showing up. I understood and I would make it up to him.
The next day I went to the restaurant he ordered from all the time and got his favorite meal. I walked across the street to his job and hand delivered it. Imagine my surprise when I got escorted out by security without even seeing my man. I was furious. How dare they take me out when I was trying to fix things. Didn't they know who I was? Did they not see the pictures of me I put all over his office? We were in love.
His job made him call the cops on me. I know because they came to my work counter with a order of protection. He would never do that to me. He was crazy about me. His job also must not allow pictures because they were all mailed back to me. The paper said I couldn't call or contact him for 3 years. 3 years was too long to be away from my man. I couldn't have that. We were gonna be together. he was just waiting for me to make the move.
I waited in front of his building for a hour before grabbing my duffel bag out of the trunk and pressing the button for the elevator. This is the way its suppose to be. I walked down the hall and knocked softly at his door. We belonged together. He opened the door and I kicked it in. We could've had a future together. I told him I loved him and the only way they would leave us alone is in another life. We made the perfect couple. I pulled the trigger 3 times before turning the barrel on myself. He loved me.