Sometimes when your in love with someone you can be very oblivious to bullshit and cling on to a lot of words that are just that, words. Its always better to look at someones actions to know what they're really about but most people dont know how to do that so I'm here to tell you.
'I love you' are just words nothing more nothing less. When someone truly loves you all they want to do is make you smile. They are not happy unless you are. If you tell them something they are doing is making you uncomfortable they will do everything they can to change it because they care that much. They see the future as 'we' not 'you and them'.
If u havent heard it once then you've heard it a dozen times. Sex is not love. You may think your special because they always make time to see you but if its only to have sex that's all you are, a lay. Dont be fooled by the sappy text messages and the late night lets talk sexy phonecall. If the only time you truly spend together involves sex then your just fuck buddies plain and simple.
Another example, if only you and the person your with know your together, you are NOT in a relationship. Yea you see them everyday get a daily phonecall but you never go out. You've never been to their neighborhood or met any of their friends. You dont do public affection and you come off more as friends then lovers. Pay attention, things are not as serious as you think they are and your probably not the only one.
In other words if your frowning more then you're smiling then maybe you to need to rethink your situation. Love doesnt hurt, period. Now every moment wont be all cheese smiles but the bad should never outweigh the good most of the time.
Sooo true! Someone said to me 'when someone shows you who they are, believe them' we try to downplay these things u outlined in this post and see wat we want to see. I think its in our nature to accept the bad over the good. But we really need to know the bad shouldn't outweigh the good @ all.
Furthermore we need to love n respect ourselves 1st - I think wen we do we'll always want good for ourselves.
The problem is alot of us fear being alone,, when often times thats just what we need the most, "alone time". We're blindsided by these things because we don't have enough time to breath, stand alone and think for ourselves..
whats your email address?
could you you email me at
amazing, I wish i had you when i was growing up.. I mean i am 19 but still you get the idea..
Nicely put, I realized that was my only worth in a past relationship. I feel so much better now that I learned to not settle as someone's jump off. All I can say is you live and learn.
Shawn: I totally agree to your post!
You might enjoy this entry:
Apparently, I wasn't paying attention. ha!
if only reading is as easy as the real world.
but i guess we all learn from our mistakes right.
First off, thank you for putting into sensible words what I tell my friends all the time. They tell me about their relationship with their partner and when they talk to me, they don't seem happy. I try telling them this advice--using different words--and they nod their heads and continue on with the relationship. Best believe I will be pointing this blog out to them and hope they get a better picture.
Second, I COMPLETELY agree with what Mr. Shawn had said about being alone. While I can def stand being alone, most of my friends give a sad story about not handling being alone and rush into "relationships". They always ask me why you stay single or aren't looking for someone and I always respond I'm focusing on me and taking a breather. I don't know if that makes me less antisocial or whatever but it all boils down to me enjoying my me time sometimes.
But again I'm glad I came across this blog and will def point others to it.
I could not have said it any better
Damn that's why she never wanted to kiss me in public! But we both said we loved eachother! But to tell you the truth i've never felt more alive being alone! She's since moved on! But me, im okay excepting the fact that going to be alone for the rest of my life! Physically , but spiritually im not!
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